Urban incentives for green roofs as part of a stormwater management program
Posted in Blog, green roof, Stormwater on January 31, 2017
As green roofs have become a preferred method to manage stormwater in urban areas, more and more cities are creating incentives to encourage green infrastructure. If you’re planning on building a green roof as a stormwater management tool, you should explore the available incentives to see if you qualify.
Check out the list below to see if your city has incentives available.
Note: this list is attempt to share incentives in urban areas, but it is not meant to be a comprehensive list. Be sure to check with your local government for information on additional incentives not listed here.
Baltimore, MD
Reduction in stormwater fees: by decreasing the impervious surface on a property with a green roof, you may be eligible for a credit on your stormwater fee, reducing the amount owed: http://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/pw-bureaus/water-wastewater/stormwater.
Indianapolis, IN
Reduction in stormwater fees: by decreasing the impervious surface on a property with a green roof, you may be eligible for a credit on your stormwater fee, reducing the amount owed: http://rrstormwater.com/city-indianapolismarion-county-stormwater-management-regulation-compliance
Reduction in Watershed Protection & Restoration fees: through proactive and sustainable stormwater runoff controsl, you may be eligible for a credit on your watershed protection & restoration fee: http://www.aacounty.org/departments/public-works/wprp/wprf-credit-program/
Minneapolis, MN
Reduction in monthly stormwater utility fee: the city offers two types of credits for stormwater: stormwater quality (reducing the potential for water pollution) and stormwater quantity (reducing impervious surface). For more details on the credits available to reduce the stormwater utility fee, see: http://rrstormwater.com/city-indianapolismarion-county-stormwater-management-regulation-compliance
Nashville, TN
Reduction in monthly sewer fee: with installation of a green roof, you may be eligible for a reduction in your monthly sewer fee. For more details on the credits available to reduce the sewer fee, see: http://www.nashville.gov/Water-Services/Developers/Low-Impact-Development/Green-Roof-Rebate.aspx
Incentives for low impact development: a variety of incentives, including a stormwater user fee credit, redevelopment credit, green roof rebate, and reduced detention requirement, are available for low impact development. More details here: https://www.nashville.gov/Water-Services/Developers/Low-Impact-Development.aspx
New York, NY
Incentives for new and retrofit stormwater management projects: Grants and funding are available for stormwater management on both new and retrofit projects in various areas of the city. For more information, see here: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/watershed_protection/stormwater_management.shtml
Philadelphia, PA
Reduction in stormwater fees: by implementing green infrastructure projects, you may be eligible for a credit on your stormwater fee, reducing the amount owed: http://www.phillywatersheds.org/whats_in_it_for_you/businesses
Portland, OR
Stormwater discount program: if you manage stormwater through your property, you may be eligible for a significant discount on your stormwater management fees. More information here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/41976.
Seattle, WA
Reduction in annual drainage fee: if you manage stormwater on your property, you be eligible for a reduction in your annual drainage fee. See here: http://www.seattle.gov/util/ForBusinesses/DrainageSewerBusinesses/StormwaterFacilityCredit/index.htm.
Washington, D.C.
Stormwater Retention Credit Trading Program: property owners that voluntarily incorporate green infrastructure can sell credits to other property owners to meet minimum requirements. More
information here: https://doee.dc.gov/src