Sedum roofs are extensive green roofs that have a media depth of 3-8 inches. There are two variations for the system build-up. Sedum roofs with a natural drainage layer are designed to maximize water retention, while sedum roofs with a synthetic drainage layer may focus more on minimizing weight. Low weight can be crucial for huge building structures and retrofit projects with limited roof loads. Sedum roofs have a great cost-to-benefit ratio and significant stormwater retention. Depending on the depth of the growth media these systems support Sedum and other succulents, as well as some hardy perennials and grasses which can be used to increase diversity or to adjust to regional conditions.



rooflite extensive

The ideal growth medium for extensive green roof systems with hardy and drought tolerant vegetation. Learn More

rooflite separation fabric

A root permeable fabric used to separate the growth media from the drainage layer. Learn More

rooflite drain

Granular lightweight aggregate that creates a natural root environment and can be used as an alternative to a synthetic drainage layer. It can also be used as a bedding layer when pavers or patios are specified. Learn More

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